I really enjoyed this book! I totally fell for Jett and his demanding, sexiness! At first I was frustrated because Brooke appeared so weak...she melted at the sight of him and did whatever he wanted whether she liked it or not. But then as the story progressed, she gained strength and resolve and would not be pushed around.
Brooke Stewart is a Real Estate Agent trying to further her career when she finds herself sacked from her current job and hired by this man, Jet Mayfield, who she never even met...or so she thought. Jet is the millionaire, playboy, bachelor who hires her to be his personal assistant. Before they can get down to real business, they need to deal with their obvious sexual attraction toward each other and he gives her another "more personal" offer she cannot refuse!
After some steamy, sexy scenes, as the story progresses, her first big assignment is to persuade the owner to sell the latest property that Jett has his sights set on buying. Brooke is looking for loopholes when she finds more then she bargained for. Oh yeah and they fall in love too!
I enjoyed the story line, the characters and the twists so far and the whole story kept me intrigued the whole way through. I loved the ending...which way will it go?? Although reviews and the description mentioned Jett being "dangerous", I am not getting that at all. I cannot wait to have all of my questions answered in the sequel CONQUER YOUR LOVE!!