About Me

My blog will consist mostly of book reviews and maybe some other book related stuff! My passion right now is romance, YA, NA, suspense, but who knows what will pop up! Reviews will include the great ones that I fell in love with, the bad ones that I couldn’t finish & the ones I “had” to finish because I was told to “give it a chance”!! These are my opinions & only mine & I will be honest no matter what! I do not mean to offend anyone & certainly feel free to comment or give me feedback, but this is my point of view and who knows, you might even find a good read!

Welcome to My Book Therapy!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

ESCAPING REALITY (The Secret Life of Amy Bensen #1) by Lisa Renee Jones

 Escaping Reality (The Secret Life of Amy Bensen, #1)


WOW!!  Romantic, dramatic, suspenseful, soooooo good!!!!  This book for me was a cross between James Patterson and a mild 50 Shades of Grey which as AWESOME!!!! 
Where do I start??  Lara, aka Amy Bensen, is forced to start her life over because of a past that is following her trying to kill her.  I would have loved to find out why this is, but so would she and that's what makes for most of the suspense!!!
Forced to run again, she ends up on a flight next to a billionaire, Liam, who she feels a reluctant but instant connection with.  He is just as drawn to her and immediately feels the need to take care of and protect her while not pushing her to reveal her past and what she is running from.  Can she trust him or anyone else??

I was blindsided by the ending and had my mouth gaping open for the final chapters!!!  I am so glad #2 comes out next month because I don't think I can wait much longer to continue her story!!!!  

*provided by NetGalley for an honest review*

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