To quote my bestie...
“this is how it goes… reading, reading, BOOM SMACK IN THE FACE, reading, crying, reading, BOOM SMACK IN THE FACE, crying, crying, reading GOD DAMN STRAIGHT UP SLAP IN THE FACE, crying really ugly crying, end of story.”
She wasn't kidding!!! I finished this in 1.1 sittings...read from 8pm until my eyes closed around 11:30pm, then picked up in the A.M. with only 25% left to go! OMG, ugly crying first thing in the morning is not cool LOL!! The level of emotion with this book is unreal.
Admittedly, I didn't necessarily get sucked in until her first dream. I think I got more confused with each dream. I couldn't make too much sense of it, but knew it was a huge part of the story and had to know more!! I understood them all by the end. I guessed her secret pretty quickly, but still got slapped at every turn. I honestly think the writing could have been better. I am not a writer, so I hate to criticize that, but I have read a LOT of books and you know that feeling when you read a book that's all-consuming from the start and this wasn't necessarily the case because of how it was written. Some parts seemed a little cheesy to me (ie: applauding in the cafeteria, really?) BUT...It did not take away from how much I LOVED the journey.
Okay to begin with the story...I don't know how much of this could be a spoiler but here goes...
James (AKA Jay, yes, a girl) has serious issues. She had it all...star football player boyfriend, lots of best friends, girls wanted to be her and boys wanted to be inside her (yes, quoted from the book). Until one day, 2 years ago, when her life came crashing down around her. Wanting to get away from it all, she broke up with her perfect boyfriend and turned her back on all of her friends. She turned to drugs, alcohol and other men, but none of it took her away from it. (Note: not much writing about this time period so no worries about reading about drugs, etc.)
Jay's got 3 men "pining" for her. JT, her long time ex-boyfriend; Rhye, her bad boy, rocker temporary distraction turned into more; then there's Kane who appears out of no where and she is drawn to without even wanting to be!
Returning to her Senior year of HS, she has JT wanting her back, her friends wanting to reconnect, Rhye proclaiming his love for her and Kane now falling for her and wants to be her future. PLUS she's got her past lurking around showing it's ugly head at every turn! She is torn between JT who is her past, the love of her life who she never had closure with and then Kane who, for the first time, snaps her out of her depression.
I can't get too much into the story or I will ruin it!! Truly, the smacks in the face come pretty frequently and I can't ruin that for anyone!! Let's just say have your tissues ready and try to BREATHE!!!
OMG, I love Rhye!!! He just does the right thing by her and it warmed my heart! LOVE HIM!!
I feel so bad for JT! I didn't like him much in the beginning. He sounded so desperate and whiny, but I did feel for him. Knowing he had no control over their relationship ending all of a sudden and knowing all this time that something had to happen, but never knowing what. 3/4 through I fell in love with him. He wasn't giving up on her no matter what!
Kane is just HOT!! He is exactly what Jay needs to snap herself out of her funk.
**SIGH** There is so much more I could say, but I'll stop there to go read Ruining You! :D
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